
Dr. Maurício do Vale Madeira da Costa

Maurício Costa studied Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) from 2008 to 2013. He has been working with audio processing since 2009, studying a wide range of topics related to audio signal processing and acoustics. Throughout his academic career, he was a member of the Audio Processing Group (GPA), in the Signal, Multimedia and Telecommunications (SMT) laboratory of UFRJ.
Between 2011 and 2014, he worked on the research projects MeDAL (Multiple-Device Acoustic Localization) and MuQuE-AS (Automatic Tools for Multimedia Quality Evaluation / Multicapture for Quality Enhancement and Localization - Audio & Speech), financed by the company Hewlett Packard (HP), in which the topic of acoustic localization for indoor environments was addressed. During his master's degree in Electrical Engineering at COPPE/UFRJ, he carried out three months of research at the Universidad de la República, Uruguay, in a sandwich master's project, in which he elaborated an adaptive music base for query-by-humming systems, having obtained his diploma of Master of Science in 2015.
In 2018, he worked as a researcher in the project “Development of a multi-channel sound reproduction system with 360º horizontal sound image applied to music, sound arts and bioacoustics,'' and during 2019, he worked in the research project entitled StaReL (Statistical Relational Learning), this time working for nine months in France, at the TélécomParis University, in a partnership between Brazilian, French and Uruguayan researchers. In 2020 he completed his doctorate, also in Electrical Engineering at COPPE/UFRJ.